===================================================== *There are many documents on the CD. Please read them before you install it. ===================================================== Trouble Shooting (DVR Capture Card) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Q.)Do this card, driver and software support windows 2000/XP? A.)Yes, they certainly work with windows 2000/XP. There are many users do that properly. Q.)How to install the software and the driver? A.)Please execute the software "setup.exe" in the root and then select the 2nd option(104 NTSC). Q.)The windows detected this card and installed the driver automatically for me, is that OK? A.)Don't use the driver windows installed for you, please remove it and re-execute the "setup.exe" on the CD to install the driver. Q.)There is an older driver for other video device, should I do anything for that? A.)Yes, you should remove it first, and then please re-execute the "setup.exe" on the CD to install the driver. Q.)There are many selection (104, 208, 416) as I install the driver, which one should I select? A.)Pleas select the "104" for one card in a PC, or "208" for 2 cards, or "416" for 4 cards. Q.)There are selection NTSC and PAL as I install the driver, how can I determine? Please make sure if you install the NTSC driver for the NTSC cameras, and the PAL driver for the PAL ones. Q.)What number should I enter, when I execute the setup.exe and it asked "Please enter the Option key"? A.)Please don't change the key number [450], just press "Enter" key. Q.)What is the password, when I execute the setup.exe and it asked "Please enter the Option key"? A.)Please just press "Enter" key first time. Q.)There are many question marks and underlines on the screen(???__?_??), when I execute the software. A.)Please execute the "English Pack.exe" on the CD to transfer the interface into English version after you install that software successfully. Q.)Message "The security key is not found. If the problem persisted, please contact your dealer." , when I execute the software. A.)Your adaptor card does not plug properly within the PCI slot. Please re-plug more times, plug to another slot or try the other PC. Q.)How to install the software "Intelligent Remote Module"? A.)Please execute the software "setup.exe" in the folder "Intelligent Remote Module". Q.)What port does this card use to communicate over internet? A.)Port 1999.